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Playful Home Education Blog

Enhancing Visual Skills in Small Kids: A Guide to Visual Perception
10 vital visual perception aspects in kids to boost cognitive growth & support development. Learn more about them in this guide.

Fantastic Five Senses: Sense of Hearing Activities for Preschool Kids
The five senses are our windows to this world. Here are some ideas to teach small kids about the sense of hearing.

Sense of Sight Activities
Some fun learn activities for kids for appreciation of vision, for enhancing visual skills and to learn about visual disability.

Holi Themed Learning Activities for Kids
Holi is one of the major festivals of India, and here are some Holi themed fun and learning activities for preschoolers.

Sense of Taste Activities
Sense organs: Sense of taste activities for preschoolers.

Fantastic Five Senses: Sense of Touch Activities for Preschool Kids
Explore the World of Touch - Activities and ideas for teaching small kids about the sense of touch - loads of fun.

Shaving Cream Activities for Kids
Shaving foam is a fun thing to play with for kids of all ages. Here are some ideas.

Water Beads Sensory Activities for Kids
One of the best things for sensory play are water beads. They are colorful, smooth, squishy and cool to touch. And super easy to prep.

Sense of Smell Activities
Here are some interesting activities and information related to the sense of smell for kids.
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